Laser Squad

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Both the java versions of Laser Squad and RebelStar are configured to run off-line as stand-alone programs. The scenario editor also is downloadable. They all seem to still run offline (in Linux using the openJDK at least).

The manual for both Laser Squad and the scenario editor are also available below.

* Here is the downloadable Java version of Laser Squad (basically the Game, a .html file in case you want to try and run it on your local browser if it still has a java plugin, and a readme file listing the basics such as how to run Laser Squad as a stand-alone program).
* Here is a copy of the origional Spectrum/Amstrad version's player manual for Javascript version. I've altered it in one or two places to reflect how the current Javascript version differs.
* Here is a copy of the origional Spectrum/Amstrad version's player manual for Java version. I've altered it in one or two places to reflect differences in the Java version. At the end I've tagged on information about all the new features I've added.
* I developed a program (also using Java) that allows you to edit or createyour own scenarios. It is technically Alpha as I never finalized the format. There are probably a fair few bugs that I've not spotted. Still it's fully functional.
* The scenario editor is a bit difficult to get your head around so I've written a manual for it.
* The Java version of RebelStar is also capable of running off-line (either in a browser or as a stand alone file). Here's the files you'll need to play RebelStar off line. for it.
Laser Squad Manual Scenario Editor Download RebelStar Links