Laser Squad

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This site is dedicated to Laser Squad - created by Jullian Gollop over 30 years ago, and yet still as playable today as then. Many of today's games take concepts and elements from Laser Squad which was in turn based on an earlier game - RebelStar.

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I have recreated Laser Squad (and maybe will get round to Rebel Star) to run using Javascript so that it can run on almost anything with a browser. I had previously written Laser Squad and Rebelstar to run using java. However browser technology has changed, java is not deemed as secure these days, and fewer devices support it and so I've now ported it to javascript. If it doesn't respond, try clicking on it to regain focus.

The more eagle-eyed of you with good memories may have noticed a change in the URL. I used to own the domain, but the company I used to register it went bust and I was unable to renew it in time. The company that took over it's ownership wanted over £100 for me to register it again which I could not afford. Hence the move to

I've added new player options. Use the default method on your computer to get a popup menu (ie right mouse button in windows) that allows you to read the briefing, turning on/off on-screen controls, muting sound, adjusting volume, going back from the unit equipment selection screen to the armour selection screen, and settings which allows you to select your on-screen control layout. This version was last updated on 12th April 2021.

The 'Return to Moonbase' scenario was one I found on the web. It was written by Johan von Nameh and play-tested by too many people to mention here, but the information is listed in the .txt file that came with the origional scenario.

I've also found some other scenarios (Mafia, BluePlanet, RescueRangers, TheAliens, Amazones, CoalCorp, Biowar, DeadCity, HostileTakeover, Saboteurs, The Assasins2, and TheMelterSquad). I've yet to figure out who wrote them, but have heard that one of the authors might be Kaz (Was this the same person that wrote demos for the spectrum?) and would like to ask permission of the authors before publishing any conversions. If you know who created them I'd be realy gratefull to know who they were so I could contact them. The other problem with these extra scenarios is that they don't always follow the origional Laser Squad method of how scenario data works so don't convert easily and will take longer to convert than the origional scenarios.

If you spot any bugs (either crashes or in differences from the origional version) please let me know what they were and when they happened so that I might be able to fix them. Thanks to Steve Godrich, Jukka Paatero, Craig Turner, and Eero who have reported bugs that I have been able to fix. Thanks to Daniel Studd who reported a bug in the hand-to-hand combat system.

I have now implemented a bug reporting system. If a crash happens that the system catches you'll see a message with the text details. If you email me with this text I will try to fix any bug reported within a week or so, so if you get this message again, please try again later.

You can contact me at

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